

Meaning of Hajj , Hajj Valid Conditions , Necessary And Pillars Hajj

Definition / Meaning of Hajj
Hajj is obligatory worship performed by Muslims who can afford it or to effect both economically , physically , psychologically , security , permissions , etc. etc. . Go Haj is worship in the tenets of Islam that is the fifth pillar of Islam which is done at least once in a lifetime .

B. Conditions Valid Hajj
1 . The Religion of Islam
2 . Grown-up
3 . Adults
4 . Sanity
5 . Sane
6 . Persons independent ( non- slave )
7 . Capable, both in terms of cost , health, safety , and maintenance of families that are left berhaji

C. Mandatory Requirements Muslim Pilgrimage
1 . The Muslim (not infidels / apostates )
2 . Harlequin / adult
3 . Sane / understanding
4 . Persons independent ( non- slave )
5 . Able to perform hajj

Conditions " Affordable " in Hajj
1 . Sehat not in the physical and spiritual state of senility , severe pain , paralysis , suffered a serious illness spread , crazy , heavy stress , and so forth. Hajj should be implemented while still young, fit and agile so easy in the hajj pilgrimage and a mabrur .

2 . Having enough money for the fare pilgrimage ( onh ) go home and have a provision for the hajj . Do not get terlunta - lunta in Saudi Arabia because it does not have the money yet . If you have additional family dependents shall be given regular maintenance for berhaji .

3 . Peace enough for travel and perform the Hajj and family and inheritance for berhaji . For women to be accompanied by her husband or mahram man who can be trusted .

D. Pillars of Hajj
Pillars of Hajj is obligatory deeds done in berhaji . Pillars of Hajj tsb is :
1 . Ihram
2 . Wukuf in Arafat
3 . Tawaf ifâdah
4 . The say
5 . Shave the hair on the head or cut some
6 . Ordered
Pillars of Hajj tsb should be done in sequence and comprehensive. If one is left , then Hajj is not valid.

Necessary Rituals
1 . Starting Ihram Miqats ( limit specified time and place to perform the Hajj and Umrah )
2 . Throwing jumrah
3 . Mabît ( stay ) in Mudzdalifah , Mecca
4 . Mabît in Mina
5 . Farewell Tawaf ' ( farewell tawaf )
If one of the obligatory Hajj is omitted, then the Hajj valid, but must pay the dam ( fine) .

Implementation of Hajj ( Pilgrimage Manasik )

Manasik pilgrimage rite is as follows:
1 . Doing pilgrimage Miqats determined
Ihram can be started since the beginning of the month of Shawwal to do sunnah bath , ablution , wearing ihram , and intending pilgrims to utter Labbaik Allahumma hajjan , which means " I have come to meet your call O God, for berhaji " .
Then leave for Arafat to read Talbiah to express intention :

Labbaik Allâhumma labbaik, labbaik lâ syarîka laka labbaik, inna al-hamda, wa ni'mata laka wa al-mulk, lâ syarîka laka

Meaning is:
I come O God, I have come to meet thy call ; I come , no partner for you, I come; Surely all praise , all the pleasure , and the rest of government , belongs to you ; no partner for you.

2 . Wukuf in Arafat
Executed on 9th of Dhul-Hijjah , the time begins once the sun slips to the dawn of the day Nahar ( sacrificial slaughter day ) 10th of Dhul-Hijjah .
When staying , there are a few things to do , namely: prayer plural taqdim and qashar noon - Ashar , praying , chanting together , reading the Qur'an , prayer plural taqdim and qashar dusk - evening prayer .

3 . Mabît in Muzdalifah , Makkah
Time shortly after midnight until just before dawn. Here, take a pebble or a total of 49 items 70 items to throw jumrah in Mina , and perform the dawn prayer in the early hours , followed by leaving for Mina . Then stop off at masy'ar al -Haram ( sacred monuments ) or Muzdalifah to the remembrance of Allah (Surah 2 : 198 ) , and perform the dawn prayer when the morning arose .

4 . Throwing jumrah ' Aqabah
Done on the hill ' Aqabah, on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah , with 7 grains of gravel , then slaughtering the sacrificial animal .

5 . Tahalul
Tahalul innocent of having performed the Hajj pilgrimage practices pilgrimage .
Tahalul early , implemented after completion throwing jumrah ' aqobah , a way to shave / hair cut at least 3 pieces.

After tahalul , can wear normal clothes and do all acts which are prohibited during ihram , except sex .
For those who want to perform tawaf ifâdah day can directly go to Makkah for Tawaf. By reading Talbiah enter the Holy Mosque through Bâbussalâm ( door salam) and perform Tawaf. Done tawaf disunahkan kiss Hajar Aswad ( black stone ) and 2 cycles sunnah prayers near the tomb of Ibrahim Al-Multazim pray , and prayer Sunnah 2 cycles in Hijr Ismail ( all available at the Grand Mosque complex ) .
Then do the say between Safa and Marwa hills , starting from Mount Safa and ends at Marwa Hill . Then proceed with the second tahalul , that shave / hair cut at least 3 pieces.

Thus, the prohibited acts during the pilgrimage has been removed, clean it all back up to do.

Then return to Mina before sunset to mabît there.

6 . Mabît in Mina
Sacrifice performed on the day ( the day being banned for fasting) , that on the 11th , 12th, and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah . Every day in those days was throwing jumrah Sacrifice Ula , MIDDLE , and ' Aqabah, respectively 7 times .
For those who require nafar awwal ( leave Mina after the 12th day of Dhul-Hijjah jumrah afternoon ) , throwing jumrah done on the 11th and 12th of Dhul-Hijjah only. But for those who require nafar Sani or nafar end (leaving Mina on the 13th Dhul-Hijjah after jumrah afternoon ) , throwing jumrah conducted over three days ( 11th, 12th , and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah ) .
With the completion of the finished throwing jumrah entire chain of events pilgrimage and returned to Mecca.

7 . Tawaf ifâdah
For those who have not been performing tawaf ifâdah while in Mecca , it must do tawaf ifâdah and the say . Then perform the Farewell Tawaf ' before leaving Mecca to return to the original area .

Minor means a visit or pilgrimage . Every person required to perform the Hajj Umrah , that act of worship which is the union of the pilgrimage. 
The implementation is based on the umrah Allah says in his Al -Baqarah : 196 meaning 
" And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah ... "

On visitation law , there are some differences of opinion. According to Imam Shafi'i obligatory . According to the Maliki and Hanafi ruling mu'akkad Sunnah ( Sunnah that big of an issue ) .
Umrah is compulsory for every Muslim only one time only , but many do umrah also favored , especially if done in the month of Ramadan . 
It is based on hadist Prophet narrated by Imam Muslim, meaning 
" Umrah in Ramadan is equal to perform Hajj once " .

implementation of Umrah
Procedures for the implementation of worship Umrah are: bathing , ablution , wearing ihram on Miqat , ihram sunnah prayers 2 cycles , the intention of Umrah and recite Labbaik Allahumma ' umrat ( an ) ( I'm coming to meet thy call O God, for umrah ) , read Talbiah and prayer , Haram , Tawaf , the say , and tahalul .

Conditions , Pillars , and Compulsory Umrah
Conditions to perform the Umra are similar to conditions to perform the Hajj . As pillars of Umrah are :
1 . Ihram
2 . Tawaf
3 . The say
4 . Shave your head or cut hair
5 . Ordered , executed sequentially
Meanwhile umrah compulsory only one, namely pilgrimage Miqats .

Prohibition in the Hajj and Umrah
The things that can not be done by people who are wearing ihram and are intended to perform the Hajj / Umrah are :
1 . Doing sexual intercourse or any act that may lead to sexual
2 . Doing reprehensible and immoral acts
3 . Arguing with others
4 . Wear sewn garments ( for men )
5 . Wearing perfume
6 . Wearing khuff ( socks or shoes that cover the ankle )
7 . Doing solemnization
8 . Trimming nails
9 . Shaving or plucking hair
10. Wear clothes dyed with fragrance
11 . Killing game
12 . Eating wild game meat

Anything Hajj

1 . Ifrad Hajj
Ifrad Hajj pilgrimage to distinguish that is umrah . Hajj and umrah their own done . Implementation, first performed the hajj , upon completion of the new Umrah. Everything is still done in the month of pilgrimage .
The means are :
a. Miqats ihram with the intention of pilgrimage
b . Miqats ihram with the intention of Umrah

2 . tamattu ' Hajj
Haji tamattu ' is first ' Umrah in the pilgrimage , after the completion of new perform Hajj .
The person doing the pilgrimage tamattu , must pay hadyu ( fine) , that is the sacrifice of a goat. If not able to be changed by fasting for 10 days , ie 3 days as long as it is in the holy land , and 7 days after returning back home.

The means are :
a. Miqats ihram with the intention of Umrah
b . perform hajj after umrah completed all practice
3 . Haji QIRAN
QIRAN is performing Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage together . With that all practices are included in the practice of Umrah pilgrims .
The means are :
a. Miqats ihram with the intention of Hajj and Umrah simultaneously
b . do the practice of pilgrimage

Practices Hajj and Umrah

1 . Miqat
Miqat are the limits of time and place to perform the Hajj and Umrah. Consists of Dhul Dhul Dhul Zamani and makânî .
Zamani Dhul Hajj is when it can be implemented.
Based on the consensus of the scholars who came from the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, Dhul Zamani falls in the month of Shawwal , Zulkaidah , until the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah .
Miqat makânî is the place where the pilgrimage is feasible.

Places to Miqat makânî are :
* Zulhulaifah or Bir- Ali ( 450 km from Makkah ) for people coming from the direction of Madinah
* Al - Juhfah or Rabiq ( 204 km from Makkah ) for people coming from the direction of Syria , Egypt , and the provinces of Morocco
* Yalamlan ( a mountain that lies 94 km to the south of Mecca ) for people coming from the direction of Yemen
* Qarn Manazir ( 94 km east of Makkah) for those coming from the Nejd
* Zattu IRQ ( 94 km east of Makkah) for people coming from the direction of Iraq

2 . Ihram
Ihram is the intention of performing Hajj or Umrah and wear ihram .
For men, wear two pieces of ihram is not sewn to cover the top of the body and another piece to cover the bottom of the body . Head uncovered and wearing footwear that does not cover the ankle .
For women , the ihram garments are sewn fabric that covers the entire body except the face .
Sunni pilgrimage is cutting nails , mustache, armpit hair , pubic hair, and bathing. Then do 2 cycles ihram sunnah prayers ( before ihram ) , read Talbiah , shalawat , and forgiveness ( after pilgrimage begins ) .

3 . Tawaf
Tawaf around the Kaaba is 7 times , starting from the direction parallel to the Black Stone and the Kaaba always be on the left (rotate counter-clockwise ) .

Terms of tawaf are :
1 . The Holy of major impurities , small impurities and filth
2 . Covering private parts
3 . Perform 7 times in a row rotation
4 . Starting and ending the tawaf in a line with the Hajar Aswad
5 . Kaaba always be on the left
6 . Walk around outside the Kaaba
While sunnah tawaf are :
1 . Overlooking the Black Stone during Tawaf start
2 . Walk
3 . Al - idtibâ , that puts middle ihram cloth under the arms and both ends right hand over the left shoulder
4 . Touching the Black Stone or prompt when starting the tawaf
5 . Intention .
Intent to circumambulate contained in the mandatory pilgrimage to death because his intention was not contained in the hajj pilgrimage intentions , but if that's not circumambulate the hajj, the ruling intention tawaf becomes mandatory , such as the Farewell Tawaf ' and circumambulate vows.
6 . Achieving Yemeni Corner ( on rotation 7th) and kiss or touch the Black Stone
7 . Multiply prayer and remembrance for the tawaf
8 . Ordered , executed sequentially

Anything tawaf are :
Tawaf ifâdah
As a rule of pilgrims circumambulate when left then Hajj is not valid.
Tawaf Ziyarah
Tawaf visits , often also referred Arrival Tawaf , ie tawaf performed on arrival in the city of Mecca .
tawaf sunnah
Tawaf can be performed at any time.
Farewell Tawaf '
Farewell Tawaf , ie tawaf performed before leaving Mecca after finished the whole network of pilgrimage.

4 . The say
The say is running from Mount Safa to Mount Marwah 7 times .
Terms of the say is :
1 . Around the say way done complete , there should be no space left
2 . Starting from Safa and ends at Marwa
3 . Performed after tawaf
4 . Performed by 7 time travel
Whereas the Sunnah in the say is :
1 . Praying between Safa and Marwa
2 . During the holy and cover themselves
3 . Running between 2 small green pillars
4 . Not crowded
5 . Walk
6 . Wrought successively

5 . Wukuf in Arafat
Wukud at Arafat is silent since the sun slipped Arafah on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah until dawn on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah ( the day Nahar ) , either in pure or impure state .

Hajj without staying invalid and should be repeated again next year. It is based hadist Prophet narrated by Abu Dawud :
Hajj is' Arafah , who came on mabît night at Muzdalifah before dawn , it was getting a pilgrimage .
While doing staying , disunahkan for not fasting , facing the Qiblah , chanting, reading forgiveness , and pray . According to Imam Ahmad , the Prophet prayers when the day of Arafah is :
There is no god except Allah , the One, having no partner with Him , to Him throughout the kingdom , for His praise was , in His hand is all good , and He has power over everything.

6 . Throwing Jumrah
Jumrah Throwing is throwing pebbles into the 3 pillars , namely Ula , MIDDLE , and ukhrâ , each shot 7 times . Striking Day jumrah Hijjah begins on the 10th , toward jumrah ' Aqabah or jumrah unsuccessful , and 2 or 3 days from the day -to-day Sacrifice ( 11th, 12th , and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah ) toward 3 jumrah mentioned above.
Striking Time jumrah disunahkan after sunrise. For those who are weak or obstacle can do it at night.
As for throwing jumrah on day 3 others , should begin at the time the sun had come down to the west at sunset .

When throwing jumrah according of sunnah :
1 . Standing position on the left Mecca and Mina on the right
2 . Raising hand up high for men
3 . Reading Takbeer when the first stone
For those who complete the pilgrimage obstacle by not staying in Arafat , Tawaf , or the say , whatever the cause, in the opinion of the majority of scholars tsb must slaughter a sheep , cow , or camel in it Ihram .

When the obligatory rituals of worship , it should Meng - qadha the following year , but if not obligatory rituals , they do not need to repay the fast .
Hajj Pilgrimage Mabrur
Pilgrimage ( Hajj large )
Pilgrimage term referred to in the word of God in surah At-Tawbah: 3 that means :
And ( this is ) an acknowledgment of Allah and His Messenger to mankind on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage that Allah and His Messenger are clear of pagans ...

There is some scholarly opinion on a grand pilgrimage , the hajj akbar is :
* Hajj on the day before staying at Arafah
* Hajj on nahar
* Hajj coincides with Friday wukufnya
* Hajj itself along wukufnya at Arafat
But the most famous opinion is an opinion stating that the Hajj is the pilgrimage wukufnya grand falls on a Friday .

There is a large pilgrimage , some asgar pilgrimage ( hajj small ) which is another term for Umrah .

Mabrur Hajj
Hajj is the pilgrimage Mabrur someone whose entire pilgrimage circuit can be implemented with true , sincere , not mixed with sin , using lawful costs , and most importantly , after the pilgrimage becoming a better person .

Reply for people who get the pilgrimage Mabrur is heaven .

It is based on the words of the Prophet narrated by Abu Huraira that means :
Umrah to Umrah to the next is a sin between them , and the reward Mabrur Hajj is nothing else but a heaven.  (Bukhari and Muslim )

Dam ( Fines )
Dam of blood is in the form of animal slaughter as karafat ( ransom ) to several offenses committed while performing the Hajj or Umrah . Type checkers are :
1 . Dam tartib
2 . Takhyîr Dam and taqdir
3 . Tartib Dam and ta'dil
4 . Dam takhyîr and ta'dil

1 . Orderly Dam 
Dam tartib that when animals are slaughtered goat , but if they do not get a goat , must carry out the fasting in the holy land 3 days and 7 days if they have to return home .

People are required to pay for the dam tartib 9 things , namely :
1 . Doing Hajj tammatu '
2 . Doing Hajj Qiran
3 . Not before staying at Arafat
4 . Not throwing Jumrah 3rd
5 . Not mabit in Muzdalifah at night nahar
6 . Not mabit in Mina during the night tasyrik
7 . Not berihram of Miqat
8 . Did not do tawaf wada '
9 . Not walk for which vowed to pilgrimage on foot

2 . Takhyîr Dam and taqdir
Dam is takhyîr and taqdir may choose to slaughter a goat , fasting , or charity to feed the poor as much as 3 6 sa ' ( 1 sa ' = 3.1 liters ) .
This type of dam subjected to one among the following reasons :
1 . Repeal 3 strands of hair or more consecutive
2 . Cuts nail 3 or more
3 . Dressing the seam
4 . Covering the head
5 . Wearing fragrance
6 . Perform acts that serve as an introduction to sexual misconduct
7 . Tahalul Sexual intercourse between first and second tahalul .

3 . Orderly Dam and ta'dil
Dam tartib and ta'dil is the first time compulsory slaughter a camel , if not able to be slaughtered cow , if it is not capable of slaughtering goats 7 new well tails .
If not received 7 goats , the offender must buy food for it and the wherewithal to needy people in the holy land .
Dam this type imposed for violations of sexual intercourse .

4 . Dam takhyîr and ta'dil
Dam takhyîr and ta'dil are allowed to choose between 3 things:
* Slaughtering animals hunted prey
* Buying food for game animals and wherewithal TSB
* Fasting one day for every 1 mud ( 5/6 liters )

This type of dam subjected causes :
1 . Damaging , hunt , or kill game
2 . Cutting trees or revoke the grass in the Haram .

The time and place of slaughter dam
Time slaughter dam caused offense not to cancel or lose Hajj must be performed at the time the offender perform Hajj . But for dam breach caused the loss resulting Hajj , implementation must be postponed until such time as he got the ihram perform Hajj qadha .
While the dam slaughter and meat distribution in the ground is forbidden .
For people who perform the Hajj , preferably slaughtered in Mina , while the people who perform Umrah , slaughter at Marwa .

Hajj represents
Representative Hajj applies to a person who is able to perform the hajj in terms of cost , but his health did not allow , such as severe illness or old age .

In this case obliged others to menghajikannya with the cost of the person concerned , on condition that they will replace the people who are already doing Hajj for himself .

But if after dihajikan people were cured , according to Imam Shafi'i , he is still obliged to perform Hajj .

Hajj representatives can also be done over a deceased person , provided that person is obliged Hajj , among other vows and have not been able to execute it. It is based on the hadith narrated that a man came to the Prophet SAW :

" My father is dead and he possessed the Hajj obligation , whether I should menghajikannya ? " The Prophet replied , " What do you think if your father leaves debt , whether you are required to pay for it? " The man answered , "Yes " . The Prophet SAW said , " go to hajj for your father " .
( Narrated by Ibn Abbas RA )

(source: facebook page info haji dan umroh)

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