

MUSLIM Rohingya refugees deserted

Most people are afraid Rohingya seek help .

Muslim citizens in western Myanmar in dying because they do not get medical care following the attack on the body's various aid and medical board last March .

The UN warned that serious humanitarian situation being experienced by Rohingya Muslim minority .
They had to flee from their homes and occupy a total refugee camps following the clash with fellow Buddhists who are the majority in Myanmar .

BBC reporter who visited the refugee camp Kyein Nyi Pyin , Jonah Fisher, reported many refugees are too afraid to seek medical help .

The refugees , he continued, facing death with no time to get the help of a doctor.
"Women get pregnant , sick children , the elderly good male or female suffering and sometimes dying because they do not have access to drugs and treatment policies, " said Jonah Fisher .

Some Rohingya community leaders in camps Kyein Nyi Pyin speak last month nine people died there , seven of them are children .

None of them managed to get medical care doctor or a hospital .

Aid agencies to stop operations in Rakhine Province last March after they were attacked by groups who accused the Buddhist aid bodies in favor of Muslims .

( source : 3 June 2014/ )