

Francis Pope: Do not Forget Syria - NEWS

Vatican - Pope Francis , Friday ( 05/30/2014 ) , said millions of victims of civil war Syria very likely forgotten due to " global ignorance " to the conflict .

" The international community is very likely to forget the victims of war who suffer , forget the refugees , including children and the elderly who suffer and die from starvation and disease caused by the war , " the pope said .

" We all have the potential to grow accustomed to the Syrian conflict . Lack of global indifference , the ignorance hurts us all ! " Pope added 25 in the meeting supported the humanitarian organization of the Catholic Church .

The Pope went on ceasefire and the commitment to negotiate for the sake of the Syrian people must come first .

" Those who are now refugees in other countries have the right to return to Syria as soon as possible , " said 77 -year -old Pope .

Syria conflict has lasted three years actually triggered the peaceful movement demanding political change that led to the uprising .

Government Bashar al - Assad and then respond to citizen protests with brutal dragging the country into a prolonged civil war .

Based on data from various humanitarian organizations , the Syrian conflict resulted in two million people were displaced more than half of whom are children .

Meanwhile, the death toll from the bloody conflict has reached at least 160,000 people , most of the victims were civilians . 
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