

10 Tips How to Memorizing the Quran

10 Tips on Memorizing the Quran
Memorizing the Quran has always been a dream of every Muslim , he also has always been a cornerstone in the journey studying our scholars . It can be found in any of the heirs of the Prophet 's biography . On the other hand , memorizing the Qur'an is also one of the most important parts in the book of heirloom interact with Muslims, the Qur'an .

Many are already writing that includes tricks and tips to memorize the Qur'an , from the days of the Salaf Salih until now . But how many points are sometimes poorly understood by the penghafal the Qur'an , there are more put points secondary to the primary , so too there is negligence on the primary things when it is a point that must be owned by the penghafal Al - Quran .

There is a book ( minibook ) draw authored by one of the prolific writers in Egypt , Dr. Rajib Sirjani . In his book he discusses the Koran Tahfadzul Kaifa things that must be considered by the Qur'an penghafal . Broadly speaking, he made two discussions . The first discussions about the tips that are primary ( asasiyah ) and second tips are secondary ( musa'idah ) . And in any discussion of tips there are ten points that must be considered .

These tips should be owned by the Qur'an penghafal for being very basic stuff for memorization . There are ten points that must be owned by the Qur'an penghafal either before , after or during the process he underwent to memorize the Quran .

Here are ten tips primer ( asasiyah ) memorize the Qur'an :

1 . Ikhlas
Ikhlas is an important foundation in any job . This is because anyone who is doing a job not expect the pleasure of Allah because the work will be in vain . He also will be the first person to be tried at the last day .
A hadith from Imam Hakim explained that people who memorize the Qur'an is divided into three groups ; groups who want to show off , groups who want to get from class on occasion and that is purely because of God .
When we could not sincere in their entirety then we can use a helper alternative is to multiply the good intentions such as intention to multiply the reading of the Qur'an , can bertahajjud repeating rote , hoping to grab the glory those who memorize the Qur'an , hoping so that our parents can be given a crown on the Day of Judgment , that furthest from the punishment of the Hereafter , in order to teach it again to someone else , in order to be a good role model for Muslims or non - Muslims or good intentions others . Importantly we intend for God and not for the world .

2 . Strong desire
Memorizing the Qur'an is a very noble job the only people who really have the strong intention to achieve it . Works great only owned by those great anyway . Similarly, when all people want to go to heaven , if all the people that really have a strong determination to achieve it , it was not , only a handful of people instead !
This powerful desire emanating from the effort he did to achieve it . Of constant effort is what will make it into a habit . And this is what makes it a habit of constantly memorize , repeat and mature memory.

3 . Knowing the value of memorizing the Quran
People who know the value of something is definitely going to sacrifice anything to achieve it . If humans are usually always devote all efforts to get things worldly and why he did not do the same to achieve eternal afterlife .
When we know the value of the work we do then we will be longing to do so . Plus, people who know the value of a job is not the same as not knowing . And people who know globally that is certainly not the same as knowing in detail . So the more we know the value of the more detailed work will certainly make us more racing to reach it .
There are many advantages and virtues to those who memorize the Qur'an either in the Qur'an or hadith of the Prophet itself . We can also find it in some good literature in Arabic as At - fi adabi Tibyan hamalatil Qur'an by Imam Nawawi or the Indonesian language .

4 . Practice what he memorized
This point becomes important points of destination memorize the Quran . Because memorized alone will not produce a meaningful value without coupled with the reality of practice . It even this has been alluded to by Anas bin Malik ; how many people read the Qur'an , but the Qur'an even curse him .
This is the method used by the best generations , generations friend . Umar bin Khatthab has taught us that the method is effective in lessening in interacting with the Qur'an , he never memorize anything unless he has to practice it and it will move to the next recitation after he practice it and so on .
Ali has also been predicted that someday there will be a people that their science is nothing more than the esophagus just because what they do is different from what they know . Are not people who practice what he knew God would give him the things he knows yet .

5 . Leaving sin and sinners
Hearts are often sinner will not be able to accommodate light of the Qur'an . The more it will affect his adulterous . When the heart is getting cloudy then lemahlah ability in memorizing the holy Qur'an . Because sin is like a point , the more he is adulterous and sinful the more it will multiply the black dots in his heart , but he could be removed to repent and seek forgiveness reproduce .
Imam Shafi'i also never experienced this then asked Imam waqi ' that eventually he made ​​two very famous poem , Syi'ir Syakautu waqi ila ' . A Tabi'in ( Dohhak bin Mazahim ) once said that no one who learns the Qur'an and then he forgot except for the sin which he did . And forget about the Qur'an , including the biggest disaster .

6 . Praying
Muslims pray a weapon . Because he believes that nothing is wasted from his prayer , he always believed that God always hears them either directly , time delayed or replaced with something better .
There are some appropriate time in prayer like the dawn of time , after the prayer , the ten end of Ramadan , especially when we are alone in the silence of the night , when it rains , the trip and others. In addition there are some places that can accelerate like a wish come true prayer in the Haram ( Mecca and Medina ) , the Black Stone , the Ka'ba , Raudhah and others.

7 . Correct understanding
People who understand the meaning of what he memorized will be easier to memorize than those who do not understand . In helping understanding , we can use some alternative like the Quran translation , interpretation simple or more detailed studies .

8 . Reading with Tajweed
Reading the Qur'an with Tajweed recitation will be very helpful . People who memorize without recitation would be very difficult to justify when he had finished memorizing because he was used to read the wrong reading . Moreover, people who read the recitation has received a greater reward .
Which must be considered in the study is the need to take a recitation of a teacher who has been steady memorization and recitation , and not enough to learn from books alone . After learning from a great teacher he might be able to use an aid like to hear from tapes or computer and others.

9 . Continue reading the Quran
People often read the Qur'an will be more rewarded and on the other hand it would facilitate and strengthen memory. Due to continuous reading of the Koran will move the memory power of short-term memory to long term memory .
Usually the friends menghatamkan the Qur'an in a week . Only the portion that is less than that , and only a fraction more than that .

10 . Reading in prayer
For those who had the opportunity to become a priest so he can immediately repeat from memory . But for those who did not become a priest he can do when praying night , after Isha , Duha prayer or other sunnah . 
[ source: voa- By : Falah Abu Ghuddah
Students of Al-Azhar University and the Academy of Students of Al - ' Asyiroh al - Muhammadiyah Cairo]


5 TIPS memorize QURAN by Shaykh Sa'ad al - GHOMIDY

Qari Imam Masjid Nabawi well as ' legendary , Shaykh Sa'ad Al Ghomidi gives five tips that should be considered for penghafal Koran . The tips should be considered , especially for people who did not speak Arabic .

First, it must have a clear purpose . "Friends of Indonesia should have a clear purpose , what purpose you yourselves memorizing the Koran , " he said .

Second , Sa'ad said , there should be a institution that organizes programs to memorize the Koran . The institute serves to coordinate those who want to memorize the Qur'an that will not be broken and stopped in the middle of the road .

Third , there must be a method that is used and not just the origin . If you really want seriously , then there must be a method employed . " The method used must be effective and can be used for all circles . Because each person's ability to memorize different . Anybody can memorize one page per day , but some are only able to memorize one verse per day , " he explained .

Fourth , there must be mu'allim ( teacher ) as the reference and have the ability to read the Qur'an properly . " So mu'allim to be seen as well , whether reading fluently ? Are rote Alqurannya good ? Whether he can be qudwah ( role model ) of personality and moral ? Thus it is necessary to determine a rigorous selection mu'allim it , " said Shaikh .

Fifth , there should be follow - up after completing the recitation of the Qur'an . So , those who have completed the memorization of the Qur'an they do not go unpunished . " For sebahagian Tahfidz Koran madrasa focused his students how to print only the hafiz of the Quran . However not least , what will they do after they become hafiz of the Quran ? " Said he again .

Forget becoming the biggest obstacle for the penghafal Koran . Typically , the penghafal impatient and want immediate mengkhatamkan reading and sometimes too hasty . So the verses they have memorized are not perfect and be quickly forgotten .

Shaikh Sa'ad Al Ghomidi explains , the key to memorizing the Koran is kept repeating rote . It keeps doing that even though the Qur'an has been completed completed 30 chapters .

" ( Penghafal Qur'an ) must always be two things , tikrar ( repeat ) and istimrar ( ongoing ) . He should keep repeating rote memorization has been memorized and resume his new , " said Shaikh .
( source: wisdom / )

How to Know the Qur'an Juz Page ...

Memorize what is posted on each juz of Al Qur'an begins is a matter that is " rarely " done , but here is a simple calculation process in this regard :

The first example : " what is juz 14 yard begins ? "

calculation :
The first step :
14 ( page chapters that
want to look ) - 1 = 13

Step two : 13 x 2 ( always dikalikandengan two ) = 26 Step
Third : Put the number 2 behind the results in the second step , so it becomes 262 .

And can be seen on the 14 chapters begins on page 262 Manuscripts
A second example :
" Posted on the 23 chapters begins what is ? "

calculation :
The first step : 23 ( page chapters to be searched ) - 1 = 22
Step two : 22 x 2 ( always dikalikandengan two ) = 44
Step three : Put the number 2 behind the results in the second step , so it becomes 442 .

And can be seen 23 chapters begins on page 442 .



Bismillahir - Rahmaanir - Rahim

1 . Verses of the Koran are read every day to provide motivation and encouragement for the reader .

2 . When reading the Qur'an , God would admonish us on any of his verses .

3 . Reciting Quran involving emotions will give you the peace and tranquility that can not be described , as experienced and perceived by Sayyid Qutb, may Allaah have mercy .

4 . Guy who read the Qur'an will always remember God and return to Him .

5 . Guy who read the Qur'an will always be in favor of God adequacy and although he felt a strait in the world .

6 . Verses of Allah will be the guardian as long as he lives in the world , because he has been keeping his verses .

7 . Guy who knows the Qur'an is a person who has a lot of knowledge .

8 . Guy who reads the Qur'an is like the person being dive into the ocean of life , and benefit from it .

9 . Guy who always familiar with the verses will be given a cool soul , a peaceful heart and a clear mind , so that makes it want to be charitable , creative , innovative and productive .

10 . The person who reads the Qur'an will always be in joy and full of hope , while others feel the pain , anxiety and pessimism . Because they themselves are always pumped to spray his verses are soft .

11 . Persons who diligently read the Qur'an will always be given the ease and user path so it is not easy to deviate and give up because of the verses of Allah will always remind him when he ' tripped sin and sinners . '

12 . The person who reads the Qur'an and keeping always in the custody and protection of God .

13 . The verses of the Qur'an invites the reader to constantly think , ponder and work as much as possible .