

Duha sunnah prayer

Duha Prayer

Duha prayer is a sunnah prayer done at the time of the morning until noon . A minimum of two cycles and a maximum of 12 cycles . Duha Prayer is one of a kind recommended by the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad to do other than pray tahajjud , rawatib sunnah , Witr prayer , and others . Duha prayer done in the morning . From the rising of the sun around sepenggalah up before entering the midday time

FADHILAH / The virtue of Duha prayer

The main objective in implementing the Duha prayer is worship following the exemplary prophet . In addition , he is a religious practice that can facilitate the way for the culprit . Especially , in terms of spaciousness obtain good luck . Postulate hadith related to Duha prayer is as follows :

1 . Hadith narrated by Muslim :

صلاة الأوابين إذا رمضت الفصال من الضحي

Meaning : the prayer of repentance is the moment of calves burned ( by the sun ) in the morning .

2 . Narrated Ibn Khuzaiman and Judge

لا يحافظ على صلاة الضحى إلا أواب , وهي صلاة الأوابين
Meaning : Only those who repent which maintains Duha prayer because prayer is Duha prayer are those who repent .

3 . Narrated Ashbahani

من صلى الضحى أربع ركعات في يوم الجمعة في دهره مرة واحدة يقرأ بفاتحة الكتاب عشر مرات وقل أعوذ برب الناس عشر مرات وقل أعوذ برب الفلق عشر مرات وقل هو الله أحد إحدى عشرة مرة وقل يا أيها الكافرون عشر مرات وآية الكرسي عشر مرات في كل ركعة فإذا تشهد سلم واستغفر سبعين مرة وسبح سبعين مرة سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم دفع الله عنه شر أهل السماوات وشر أهل الأرض وشر الإنس والجن

Meaning : Those who carry four cycles Duha prayer on Friday, one of Al - Fatiha read 10 times , Surah An - Nas 10 times , Surah Al - Falaq 10 times , Surah Al - Ikhlas 10 times , Surah Al - Kafirun 10 times , paragraph chair 10 times in each rak , then when reading tasyahud / tahiyat and say hello and seek forgiveness 70 times exalt 70 times , then God will keep him from the evils inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth's population ugliness and evil humans and jinn . ( Narrated by Ibn Abbas Asbahani from - see Hasyiah Al - Jamal )

TIME Duha prayer
Duha prayer held in the morning until noon . From after the sun rather high ( irtifa ' ash- Syamsi ) before entering a time until midday . The best time is the time mengakhirkan until late in the morning ( hot ) . Roughly between the hours of 8 to 10 hours .

Set number Duha prayer
At least two cycles . Medium is the eighth most rokaat .
Based on the hadith of Abu Dhar following :

أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دخل بيتها يوم فتح مكة وصلى ثماني ركعات , فلم أر صلاة قط أخف منها ; غير أنه يتم الركوع والسجود

Meaning : The Prophet Muhammad on the liberation of Mecca ( ​​Makkah Fathu ) broke into her home and prayed eight rak'ahs . I have never seen prayer lighter (faster ) than that . But he remained perfect bowing and prostration ( authentic hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim ) .
This opinion is that mu'tamad as stated in the book of Imam Nawawi Al - Majmuk .

However , according to the book Ar - Raudhah , Duha highest number of cycles is 12 cycles .

When praying Duha more than two cycles , the main implemented with regards every two cycles separated by hadith narrated by Ahmad and others : صلاة الليل والنهار مثنى مثنى . Prayer night or day ( should be done ) two cycles of two cycles .

But be performed eight cycles with one greeting .

Intention Duha prayer
Duha prayer intentions are as follows :

أصلي سنة الضحي ركعتين لله تعالي
Ushalli sunnatad Duha rok'ataini lillahi Exalted
Meaning : I do two cycles Duha prayer intention for God .

READING Duha prayer
Reading the same time of Duha prayer with another prayer . That is , the letter al - Fatihah and a short letter .

1 . Surah Al - Fatihah ( mandatory ) .
2 . Letter short ( sunnah / not required)
3 . Tahiyat ( tasyahud ) currently sit last cycles .

Reading Quran in addition to Al - Fatihah is the most recommended are: Surat Al - Kafirun the first cycles and cycles of Al - Ikhlas in the second . In addition , the Sunnah also read a letter of As- Shams and Ad - Duha

Prayer Duha prayer
According to the description in the book فتوحات الوهاب بتوضيح شرح منهج الطلاب المعروف بحاشية الجمل disunnahkan prayer to be read after the Duha prayer is as follows :

اللهم إن الضحى ضحاؤك والبها بهاؤك والجمال جمالك والقوة قوتك والقدرة قدرتك والعصمة عصمتك اللهم إن كان رزقي في السماء فأنزله وإن كان في الأرض فأخرجه وإن كان معسرا فيسره وإن كان حراما فطهره وإن كان بعيدا فقربه بحق ضحائك وبهائك وجمالك وقوتك وقدرتك آتني ما آتيت عبادك الصالحين

Cor innad Duha Duha'uka wal Baha'a bahauka waljamala jamaluka walquwwata quwwatuka walqudrota qutrotuka wal ishmata ishmatuka . Cor inkana rizki fissama'i anzilhu fa fa akhrijhu wainkana fil ardi wa wa inkana mu'siran fa yassirhu inkana haraman fatahhirhu wainkana baidan faqarribhu bihaqqi dhuhaika baha'ika wa wa wa jamalika waquwwatika qudratika Atini ma ataita ibadakas Salihin

Meaning : O my Lord , the real time is the time of Duha Duha thy majesty is keagunan thee, thy beauty is beauty , strength is your strength , your guard is a guard , O my Lord , if it is above the heavens rezekiku then derive , if they are on the earth then remove it , if it is difficult to make it easy , if purify unclean , when distant nearness with Duha thy truth , thy power ( O God ) , bring me what you bring to the pious servant of servants

LEGAL Duha prayer in congregation

There are some Muslims who like to carry out the Duha prayer in congregation . The law is permissible and not makrooh but not sunnah . But more important is done alone .

LAW IN TIME Duha prayer Tahrim

The timing of the Duha prayer is between the two Tahrim time or time that is forbidden to perform sunnah ie the time when the rising sun and Tahrim Tahrim time when the sun right in the top of the crown known as istiwak time .

Muslims should try to avoid doing Duha prayer at the second time . Sulaiman al - Jamal in the book Hasyiah Al - Jamal ( Futuhat al - Wahhab ) states :

أما إذا قصد تأخير الفائتة إلى الأوقات المكروهة ليقضيها فيها أو دخل فيها المسجد بنية التحية فقط , فلا تنعقد الصلاة .

When people deliberately mengakhirkan sunnah prayers obligatory dimakruhkan up on time then he should make up the at the time . ( But ) if someone entered the mosque with the intention of praying tahiyat the mosque , the prayer is not valid ( that is done on time makruh )