


Anyone can compare with doing their own research on the religions in this world . If a researcher is willing to completely objective , then surely he would see Islam as the perfect religion among other religions .

Why so ? Because only Islam is the only religion that is comprehensive . He directs all aspects of human life . None , and no matter how small affairs of human life in this earth that escaped from Islam . Perfection means no defects at all contained in this religion . Allah says ,

 Believe it is the command of Allah .

And we , as Muslims are required to believe . Programmed in our mindset . Islam making this as a way of life (way of life ) . Allah commands to every Muslim to live Islam as a whole , perfect , and covers all its aspects in the word ,

" O you who believe , enter into Islam as a whole , and do not follow the steps of Satan. Satan is an outright enemy to you . " ( Surat al - Baqara : 208 )

Allah commands to accept Islam as a religion is perfect and we have to take as a whole is the most powerful reason for a Muslim . Allah commands is also the reason most basic / fundamental to everything that we do . If it were not for the command of Allah Ta'ala , then we shall not carry it out .

Such as Siti Hajar , wife of Prophet Ibrahim when left amid the barren desert , and very far from water and food , his wife just asked , "Is this God's command ? " . Then Abraham replied , " Yes " . Hearing the answer that it is the command of Allah Ta'ala , then Siti Hajar said , " If that's the case , then I believe God was not going to nyiakanku " .

So as this is the command of Allah , our attitude as a Muslim is to accept and obey . As Allah described in His Word ,

" The messenger has faith in the Qur'an that was revealed to him from his Lord , as well as those who believe . All of them believe in Allah , His angels , His books , and His apostles . ( They say ) : " We make no distinction between any ( with others ) of His messengers " , and they say : " We hear and we obey " ... " ( Surat al- Baqara : 285 )

Islam Complete in Time

Perfect because Islam was revealed as the prevailing religion throughout the ages . Since the first man Adam is a U.S. then throughout the later prophets brought the same mission that phrase of unity " Laa ilaha illa Allah " . Allah says ,

" And We did not send a Rasulpun before you but We revealed to him : " Behold, there is no God ( which is right ) but I , so worship ye shall all me ' . " ( Surat al - Anbiya ' : 25 )

And Allah also mentions the people of earlier prophets as Muslims in His Word;

" ... ( Follow ) the religion of Abraham your parents . He ( Allah ) has named you all the Muslims of the past, ... " ( Surat al - Hajj : 78 )

Till when the Prophet was sent as a prophet as well as a cover of the Prophet , his teachings apply to the Last Judgement . Former prophets like bring baton and the latter were eventually given to the Prophet Muhammad . As described in the Word of Allah ,

" Muhammad is not the father of times a man among you . , But he is the Messenger of Allah and the prophets cover . and is Allah knows all things . " ( Surat al - Ahzab : 40 )

Islam will never experience again in the maturation of the development, because Islam has grown since birth ! Islam also experienced improvements will not again follow the progress of time , because Islam has been perfect since birth ! If anyone considers that Islam needs to undergo a change in Islamic law , it has been ascertained that it is very distorted thinking .

Islam Complete in Place

The teachings of Islam are teachings comes directly from Allah the Creator of the universe . Then as the Lord of all beings in the universe, Allah alone is entitled to set it up . There is no iota of space in this universe which is not covered by the power of Allah . ( see QS . 27 : 59-64 )

This means that Islam is not only for din that particular nation or a particular region . But Islam is a religion for all people wherever they are .

Islam is different from other religions . Like the example Christianity . Christians consider Jesus a U.S. as Lord and acknowledge the Gospels as their holy book . Though Jesus a U.S. God and the Gospel not only for the Israelites alone . Not for the others . Allah says ,

" Behold , disbelievers are those who said : " Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary " , when the Messiah ( himself ) said : " O Children of Israel , worship Allah my Lord and your Lord "Those who ascribe ( something to ) Allah , then surely Allah forbid him paradise , and his place is hell , it is not there for the people unjustly helper. " ( Surat al - Maaidah : 72 )

So also with the Jewish people . The Torah is only for the people of Prophet Musa only . Not for humans throughout the world . So when the Prophet Muhammad was sent as a Prophet , as well as the Seal of the Prophets , all Jews and Christians should submit to and faithful to the teachings brought by the Prophet. They must believe in the Quran and the Book that make it as perfect and refine previous books .

Prophet Muhammad said ,

" By the One who controls the soul of Muhammad , no one seemed to both Jews and Christians can hear about me from the Muslims , then he is dead and not faithful to the teachings that I carry except it will be the inhabitants of hell . " ( Narrated by Muslim )

Perfect in Islamic Teachings

Islam has a perfect teachings . It 's the little things in our daily lives even set in Islam . We start getting out of bed in the morning until we sleep at night , everything can not be separated from Islam . Just a small example , when we went into the bathroom , Islam teaches untku pray first , then sign in using the left foot first, then how civilized undressed , in which direction when the waste water , and many more , to how manners when out from the bathroom . All can not be separated from the teachings of Islam !

Most people consider berislam enough to feel faith is straight and correct worship according the guidance of the Prophet . But if Islam is understood only to the extent that , then it means that these people understand Islam narrowly . Though human affairs include their role in the society, nation and state . Very complex . And all of it is still within the scope of the teachings of Islam . So obviously Islam is not only understood as the doctrine of the faith and how to purify the true worship . Islamic teachings also regulates all areas that we encounter in life .

A legendary cleric from Egypt , Sheikh Hasan al - Banna never describe how the perfection of Islam. He said ,

" Islam is a complete building that covers all aspects of life . Islam is the state and the homeland . And he government and the people . And her character and strength . And he's mercy and justice . And her culture and laws . And her knowledge and justice . And he or labor and material wealth . And she jihad and da'wa . And he forces and ideas . As Aqeedah of Islam is pure and true worship . "


So incredible Islam with perfection . There is no reason for us to doubt the role of Islam in all aspects of our lives . There is no longer any reason not to take Islam as a way of life that is the most perfect . Prove our faith to the exclusion of other thoughts around the outside of Islam that once made ​​us amazed because we consider the idea that it is better than the teachings of Islam ! Shout aloud : " ISLAM IS MY LIFE , MY WAY IS ISLAM , ISLAM IS MY ATTITUDE ! "

That way , no more Muslims who feel inferior to her religion ! And no more Muslims who are not proud of the title as a MUSLIM !

Muslim Hey ! You are the greatest ummah created by God ! So , .. Be Proud ! !