


Islam is a religion of peace , religious tolerance , religious uphold human values ​​and oppose pengkrusakan or murder , or a massive well done to the individual .

There are 5 human rights are highly respected and nurtured by the Islamic religion , ie religion , life, property , and honor Nasab .
Any person who committed abuses and crimes against five human rights can not be accepted , and Islam give severe punishment to the perpetrators .

Allah swt . says :

"Whoever kills a human being not because people were killing other people ( not because of Qisas ) , or for causing corruption in the earth , it is as if he killed all mankind ; and whoso saved a life , it is as if he saved the life of all mankind . "
Al - Maidah : 32

Islam prohibits the use of all means to achieve the goal . In the atmosphere of a war once, Islam provides guidelines and ethical war : killing people who should not have given up , should not kill women , the elderly , small children , should not damage the plant , or place of worship . Prisoners of war in Islam is also maintained and treated humanely .
Therefore , any acts of violence , murder or bombings , then the action can not be tolerated , unacceptable, whoever the perpetrators , whatever their religion . Islam and distanced themselves from the action . God knows best

وما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين

" And We have sent thee ( Muhammad ) but to ( be ) a mercy to the worlds. " ( Surah Al - Anbiya : 107 )

ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن
Call upon (people ) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and good lessons and bantahlah them in a good way ... " ( Surat an - Nahl : 125 ) .

" but if they let you , and do not fight you and propose peace to you ( surrender ) then God does not give way to you ( for a charming and kill ) them . " ( QS.4 : 90 )

" And if they incline to peace , then incline to him and put thy trust in Allah . Verily He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing . " ( QS.8 : 61 )

And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden ( to kill ) , but with a ( reason ) is true . And whoever killed unjustly , then indeed We have given power unto his heir , but the heirs do not exceed the limits in the killing . Indeed he is the one who gets help .
Surah Al-Isra : 33