


WHAT IS ISLAM ... ? ? ?

Umar bin Khaththab Radhiyallahu anhu said :
One time , we ( the companions ) sat near the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam . Suddenly appears to us a man dressed in a very white and very dark hair . Visible signs of her journey , and no one among us who knew him . He immediately sat down in front of the Prophet , and the Prophet's knees leaning to the knee and put his hands on his thighs Prophet , then he said :
"O Muhammad ! Tell me about Islam . "

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam replied ,
" Islam is that you testify that there is no right to be worshiped correctly , but only Allah , and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; enforce prayer ; practice regular charity ; fasting in Ramadhan , and you perform the pilgrimage to the House , if you have been able to do , "
the man said , " You're right , "
then we wonder , he asked her to confirm it anyway .

Then he asked again :
" Tell me about the Faith " .
The Prophet replied ,
" Faith is , you have faith in Allah ; angels ; Allah books ; the Apostles ; End of the day , and believe in the good providence of God and the poor , "
he said , "You're right . "

He asked again :
" Tell me about ihsan " .
The Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam replied ,
" You shall worship Allah as if you see Him . Even if you do not see Him , surely He sees you. "

The man said again :
" Tell me when the Apocalypse happened ? "

The Prophet replied ,
" What is asked knows no more than the asking . "

He was asked again :
" Tell me about the signs ! "

The Prophet replied ,
" If a slave woman has given birth to her master ; if you see a man barefoot , wearing the shirt ( poor dad ) and goatherders have competed with each other in building magnificent towering . "
The man then leave immediately. I was silent , so the Prophet asked me :

"O Umar ! Do you know anyone who asked that? "

I replied , "
Allah and His Messenger know better , "

He said ,
" He was Gabriel who teaches you about your religion . "
[ Reported by Muslim , no. 8 ] [ 1 ]

This hadith is narrated by Imam Muslim full no. 8 , and also olehImam Ahmad narrated ( I/27 , 28,51,52 ) , Abu Dawood ( no. 4695 ) , at Tirmidhi ( no.2610 ) , an NASAA - i ( VIII/97 ) , Ibn Majah ( no. 63 ) , Ibn Mandah in al- Iman ( 1.14 ) , ath Thoyalisi ( no. 21 ) , Ibn Hibban ( 168.173 ) , al Aajurri in ash Sharia ( II/no.205 , 206 , 207 , 208 ) , Abu Ya'la ( 242 ) , al Baghawi in Syarhus Sunnah ( no.2 ) , al Marwazi in Ta'zhim Qadris Prayer ( 363 - 367 ) , ' Abdullah bin Ahmad in as Sunnah ( 901 , 908 ) , al- Bukhari in Khalqu Af'aalil ' Ibaad ( 190 ) , Ibn Khuzaimah ( no.2504 ) from the companions of Ibn ' Umar ibn al-Khattab from bapaknya'Umar