

Revealed truth that remains will NOT coloumbus who discovered the Americas

Everyone sneering and jeering, when Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls the Muslim sailors as the discoverer of the Americas.

However, all as silent as a researcher at the University of Rhode Island claims to find some evidence of Muslims arrived in the Americas long before Christopher Columbus arrived.

Evan Yuriesco, which is responsible for the study, said the findings are surprising and none of the researchers involved hope to find evidence of this.

"We hope to find traces of pre-historic settlements of Native Americans, but we found evidence that much of Muslim first arrived in the US before Columbus," said Yuriesco.

"What we were not prepared with all of this. But we believe it to be rewritten history," he continued.

That finding is a clay pot containing the 9th century codex is written in Arabic. Pot was, according Yuriesco, was found in a location that is suspected as a mass funeral of the sailors, because the researchers also found four frames in a state of advanced decomposition.

DNA testing, according Yuriesco, very unlikely. However, he continued, early tooth decay the bodies could indicate the cause of death; starvation or disease is not known.

Site report also found some other object; cloth, coins, two scimitars, and other metal artifacts. Unfortunately, metal artifacts unrecognizable as inedible rust and corrosion.

The documents are thought to be of the 9th century
based on the Kufic script of the manuscripts,
claim experts - at:
Two clay pots were also found. One pot containing the manuscript, which is believed to experts as the Koran. Other pots containing a mixture of dried herbs that are very well known.

Not difficult to determine the age of this manuscript. The whole style Kufi calligraphy in the manuscript. Karim's mother Fallah, University of Massachusetts historian who specializes in studying medieval manuscripts, said; "Kuficis is the oldest form of Arabic calligraphy."

Kuficis, still according to Ms. Fallah, is a modification of the old Nabataean script. "Style Kuficis, or Kufi calligraphy, developing the seventh century in Kufa, Iraq," said Ibn Fallah.


Byron Kent, museologist at the Smithsonian, said the findings of the pre-Columbian manuscripts is really very disturbing.

"No one doubts that the pre-Columbus map Arabs are the best in the world," said Kent. "But there is no initial map that shows knowledge of the Arabs aware of the Americas."

However, according to Kent, the idea of the Muslim population was traveling across the Atlantic before Columbus is something indisputable. Many experts also do not seek to argue that Islam never very superior to the West.

"Muslims certainly have the technology expertise to do it," said Kent.

"But there is no written record that they ever did. However, the findings of the University of Rhode Island researcher is strong evidence of Muslims are doing it."

Richard Francaviglia, best-selling author of Far Beyond the Western Sea of the Arabs: reinterpreting Claims about Pre-Columbian Muslims in the Americas from Willamette University, said the discovery was really shocking.

"The premise of Islam pre-Columbia discovered the New World is very interesting because it makes sense," said Francaviglia. "Muslim seafarers have remarkable navigational ability, long before Europeans to sea."

Various records show rapid Muslims explore and colonize most of the Old World in the ninth and tenth centuries.

"Columbus indebted to Muslim sailors skills," Francaviglia terminate.