

10 Things Islamic Invalidate

Praise be to Allaah who has provided guidance to His servants in obeying Him and leave his ban . Blessings along tercurahkan greetings to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , his family , his friends and the people followed him with goodness until the Day of Judgment.

Indeed as a Muslim obligatory for him to cling to his religion , by studying , understand , appreciate and practice it in everyday life . As a Muslim, Allah Almighty requires for every Muslim to enter Islam as a whole ( Kaffah ) in all aspects , both aspects of aqidah , worship , and morals as calls mu'amalah Allaah in the Al - Quran:

"O ye who believe enter into Islam as a whole and do not follow the steps satan , satan indeed it is outright enemy to you " . ( Surah al - Baqarah : 208 ) .

Similarly, as a Muslim is forbidden for him to turn away from the observance of Allah Almighty and His Messenger , as such it will take him to the misery and sorrow of life in the hereafter , as described in the Quran :

" And whoever turns away from My reminder , verily for him is a narrow livelihood , and We will gather on the Day of Resurrection blind, and he said : O my Lord , why have you gathered me blind, and I was once a man who can look . then Allah says : " so , it has come to you Our verses , then you forget about it , and so ( too ) on this day you also forgotten " . ( Surah Thoha : 124-126 )

Therefore, a Muslim is required to maintain his religion from anything that would undermine , undo his Islam indirectly without realizing he was doing a case that has damaged the Islamic faith could even take it out of the religion of Islam . To remind the Muslims not to fall for such an event, then Insha Allah Ta'ala in this article will discuss the things that would invalidate Islamic one . If one of the Muslims fall to one of the Islamic canceling so he could get out of the religion of Islam , and obliged him to hasten to repent to Allah ' Azza wa Jalla .

There were ten cases Invalidate Islam , and it has a lot going on and spread out in the middle of the public :

1 . Shirk in worship to Allaah .
Shirk is the mother of all sins , as described in his words :

" Verily Allah will not forgive Shirk sins and He will forgive all sins apart from ( syrik ) , for whom He will . Barangsiap is to Allah , then indeed he has a great sin " . ( Surah an - Nisa ' : 48 )

Even Allaah forbid Paradise for the polytheists , as his word :

"Those who ascribe ( something to ) Allah , then surely Allah forbid Paradise for him , and his place is hell , and it is not there for people zhalim it one helper " .
( Surah al - Maidah : 72 )

Even shirk will remove charitable person as described in the Quran :

" And verily revealed to you and to the ( prophets ) committed before ; If you are to Allah , surely your deeds will delete it , and you certainly include those losers " . (Surat az - Zumar : 65 )

Shirk also is kezhaliman the first rank of the other sins , as Allah Ta'ala khabarkan in the Quran :

" Verily Shirk ( to Allah ) is actually a very large kezhaliman " .
( Surah Luqman verse 13 )

Among the forms of shirk such as : Pray for those who have died , asking for help to man in human affairs are not able to do so , beristighatsah to other than Allaah , vowed , slaughter to other than Allah ' Azza Exalted , came predictor , shamans , witches and others .

So great and the many dangers of this shirk it is worth someone who fell into the valley kesyirikan be broken and canceled his Islam .

2 . Makes / create an intermediary between himself and Allaah .
Someone pray and ask Syafa'at through intermediaries in order do'anya submitted to Allaah . Likewise sole trust to other than Allah Almighty , it is a form of kufr , because this act is a form of shirk Pagans previous ignorance , which has been described and illustrated in the Quran :

" Remember ! ! ? Only religion Allah belongs the net ( of shirk ) . And those who take protectors other than Allah ( say ) : We are not to worship them only that they bring us as close to God " . (Surat az - Zumar verse 3 )

Allah Ta'ala did not make between himself and his servant intermediaries in worship to him , for God is near , as he had warned him in the Quran :

" And when My servants ask thee concerning Me , then ( answer ) , I am indeed close . I granted the request of the person who prays when he pleaded with me , then let them meet all my commandments , and let them believe in me , so that they are always in the truth " . ( Surah al - Baqarah verse 186 )

Example : O Shaikh ( so and so ) mintakanlah God that I survived or O keeper of the tomb through the intercession , beseech God that I'm healthy .

Therefore, if we ask , ask of Allaah , when we pray , then pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala directly .

3 . Not infidel idolaters , or doubts their infidelity or justify his faith and sect .
In the Quran Allaah has menghukumi Jewish people , Christians can and pagans as infidels . If anyone does not want menghukumi them as infidels , then it means he has to deny the law of Allaah , and deny what Allaah be telling in his book , and anyone who doubts their disbelief , then it means they have doubted the word of Allah Almighty as well as his laws .

Example : Abu Jahl itukan also Muslim , the evidence he also prayed to God or the notion that all religions are the same , just a different way while the same goal . Jews are good , Christians can also good . Whereas Allaah has mengkafirkan them in the Quran . Among other examples are : consider the communist ideology , there is also a good idea .

4 . Convinced that the lowered guidance Allaah to His Prophet not perfect , and believe that the instructions made ​​by man is more perfect and better , or man-made law is better than the law of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala .

If something like the above is in itself a Muslim , it was clear to the destruction and cancellation of his Islam . This is due to that what the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to his people is a revelation from God Almighty as his word :

" and it is not he ( Prophet Muhammad ) was talking through his desires , but it is God's revelation revealed ( to him ) " . ( Surah an - Najm : 3-4 )

Among the things that must be believed by a Muslim that the instructions the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , Shari'ah brought by the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , khabar he has to say , better and perfect from the instructions , the Shari'a , and khabar in others .

Therefore, anyone who doubts the things mentioned above then indeed he had fallen to kufr . To be more convincing to the readers of the above please mebuka and read the verses in the Koran following : Surat al - Maidah verse 5 , verse 26 letters Shod , Surat an - Nisa ' verse 60 .

Among the examples: a person who believes the laws are made ​​by men is better than the law of Allaah , is better than the Koran or equal , or by saying the practice is the same law with the Law of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta ' style .

5 . Hating Islamic Sharia
Anyone who hates anything that comes from the Apostles , though he practice it then indeed he had fallen to the valley of disbelief . It is based on the word of Allaah : "

That is because in fact they hated what Allah revealed to the last a God remove ( the rewards ) of their deeds . " ( Surah Muhammad : 9 )

Truly love the Shari'ah of Allaah is a sign of love Allaah and hate against Sharia of Allah ' Azza wa Jallasebagai hate signs to Allaah . The believer is the one who really love to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala . Any person who love to Allaah , then he will love what Allah Almighty has commanded and he who hates the command of Allah Almighty the same as hating God Almighty , and there is no benefit charity does for him Shari'ah of Allah Ta'ala hates , the situation is the same as hypocrites .

Among the examples of hate attitude to the Shari'ah of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala is : hate women hijab ( headscarf wearing the Syar'i ) , hate the people who preach monotheism , hate the people who practice the Sunnah - sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam as someone who maintains his beard , someone who hates his pants above the ankles , hate the Islamic law of inheritance and the cynical view of the teachings of Islam . All the above-mentioned forms of hatred , if done by a Moslem followed by I'tiqad at heart then this will cancel the Islamic faith, and it is appropriate that a believer loves Allah Almighty , because His love is the main points of faith .

Indeed one's faith will not be perfect until they want to arbitrate with the Shari'a of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala , submissive and obedient to Him . In this case Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says :

" But no, by your Lord , they are ( in fact ) do not believe until they make you judge in the case that they can not agree , then they have no reservations in their hearts against the verdict you gave , and they receive the utmost " . ( Surah an - Nisa ' : 65 )

The above verse tells us that compulsory for a Muslim to make the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam as a judge in any disputes arising between the members of them , but besides that every believer is also required to have the willingness and the love in his heart for any case that decided Allaah and His Messenger, even though contrary to his desires .

One thing we should not doubt the truth , that hate Sharia is the greatest sin that is the human soul , because it will lead to the rejection of hatred and rejection will deliver the culprit out of the teachings / religion of Islam .

This glorious Islamic Sharia shall be exalted , honored his greatness , because Shari'a exaltation sign of good faith is a person and also as a sign of a pious soul as Allaah described in the Quran :

" Whoever glorifies Allah Islamic Shari then surely it is a sign of piety heart . "

Shaykh al - Hafiz Ibn Ahmad al - Hakami rahimahullah , when he was asked about the sign of a slave who love to Robbnya , then he replied ; sign of a slave who love to Robbnya is when the slave to love what is loved by Allah, the Exalted , hates what is hated by God , carrying out His commands , leaving his ban , loving person who loves God ( the guardian ) , hostile enemies of God , therefore, as strong - strong pulse of faith is : love God and hate religion nothing that God hates .

Signs someone loves God Shari'a

1 . Submission , surrender and obedience to the command of Allaah and His Messenger command .
2 . Makes the Quran and Sunnah as guidance .
3 . Studying and studying religion diligently through various means which allowed the shari'ah .
4 . Putting / prefer the command of Allaah and His Messenger, any other kind of orders .
5 . Conducting a defense to the Shari'ah of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala when the law be abused , insulted , and degraded by humans .
6 . Hasten to goodness that Allaah commanded .
7 . Honor and glorify the scholars rahimahumullah ' alihim ajma'in .
8 . Loved loved what Allaah and hate what God hates Ta'ala .
9 . Based on His love for Allah Almighty and hate as well because Allaah .
10 . Adorn yourself with noble Morals and distance itself from moral reproach .

As for the signs of someone hated law Allaah is the inverse or opposite of the above signs .

6 . Jest against God's law .
Whoever jest about anything related to Islam , the Prophet shallahu ' alaihi wa sallam , his reward or punishment then indeed he had kufr , this is that which was spoken by Allaah in the Quran meaning :

" Say whether with God , His verses and His Messenger, ye jest . Ma'af Do not you ask for , because you have disbelieved after faith . " (Surat at - Tawbah : 65-66 )

Above noble verse was revealed regarding the words of hypocrites who insult the Prophet shallahu ' alaihi wa sallam and his companions in the battle of Tabuk with the words kufr : " We do not look like those of the reciter ( in question is the prophet and companions friend ) and greedy liars and the most timid when meeting with the enemy . " Among friends there who knows with the incident and he mengkhabarkan the Messenger shallahu ' alaihi wa sallam , then suddenly they ( the hypocrites earlier ) came to the Prophet shallahu ' alaihi wa sallam to apologize and beg to be pregnant while said : " We were just kidding and joking and had no intention to denounce us and mocking . " Then Allaah deny their words and do not accept the excuse them for their lies with his words : "Say it is with God , His verses and His Messenger you were mocking and no ma'af you indeed disbelieved after you had faith . "

Shaykh 'Abd Nasir as- Sa'di rahimahullah deduce some lessons in the above verse : " Verily beristihza ' ( banter ) by Allah and His Messenger is kufr and one of the things that will cause a person to get out of the religion of Islam , because Islam runway nurtured over the glorification of Allaah , His exaltation to the religion and to His Messenger , so that when a Muslim beristihza ' ( mocking ) to Allah ' Azza wa Jalla , to His religion and His Messenger, then this is a sign that the person has broken down and negate the basic foundation of this religion that is worth him being kufr and can remove the perpetrators of Islamic teachings .

Examples istihza 'which often occurs in people like the people who mock his brother who practice the sunnah beard , saying , O , O goat , or as people who mock the hijab or the veiled woman as saying ninja , old-fashioned or out of date , or mocking the propagation of the invite to the Truth as saying salaf da'wah is not relevant anymore , or only concerned with monotheism and disregard the others .

All istihza ' ( mocking ) with Allaah , His Messenger , or something related to the law of Allah Almighty , will eventually lead to kufr . Whatever the goal remains the same punished , whether he was joking , or serious , or to make a laughing stock , whether istihza ' was done in word or deed , or in the form of gestures and movements .

Therefore, should a Muslim who wants to memyelamatkan himself from the punishment of Allah Almighty away from the above matters , and exalt the law of Allah Ta'ala with sincerity and surrender .

7 . Magic
Magic is an act of kufr , as Allaah says :

" And they follow what is read by the devil - devil in the kingdom of Solomon ( and they say that Solomon was doing magic ) , while Solomon was not pagan ( not doing magic ) , devil - devil that's just who disbelieve ( doing magic ) . they teach magic to humans and what was revealed to the two angels in the land of Babil Harut and Marut ie , being both not teach ( something ) to one before saying : " we are merely a trial for you , so do not disbelieve ." ( Surah al - Baqarah : 102 ) In fact, the magic will not earn the victory as the word of Allah, the Exalted : " And do not get the victory witches from wherever they come " .
( Surah Thahaa : 69 )

Everything that has to do with magic as teach , learn , or eliminate magic with magic , it is kufr .

Examples of magic : - Magic in the time of Prophet Moses ' peace be upon : Pharaoh's sorcerers wand into a snake . - Magic Mahabbah is bewitching someone to fall in love with him in ways shamanism . - Magic husband and wife divorce , which starts from love , then hated until the divorce . - magic takhyil is sesesorang imagining himself at a place when in reality it is not. - magic disease is through this magic a person suffering from a disease that does not go - go away . - etc .

Each has something to do with magic genie , satan and the stars . The magic disorders Inshallah can be prevented through dhikr - remembrance is prescribed , either from the Qur'an and Sunnah and through the acts of worship that Allaah fardhukan and also stay away from all forms of vice and sin .

8 . Conducting defense ( mutual help ) with idolaters
Surely you please help with the polytheists and help them to fight the Muslims are among the canceling of Islam, this is what has been described by Allah Ta'ala in His word :

" O ye who believe you must not take the Jews and Christians as a helper , a helper upper most part they are , one of you who made ​​them as a helper then indeed he belonged to them , Allah will not leadeth the wrongdoers. " ( - Maidah : 51 )

Results of this nature is that it helps against the unbelievers to defeat the Muslims , or raised their flag , glorifying their culture and salute and admiration towards them . It is clear to us that these things are acts of Kufr which we are obliged to stay away .

9 . Someone out of the rule of law
Is something that qath'i ( definite ) , if people believe that some humans may be for them to get out of the rule of law which Allaah sent down to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam , then such beliefs are infidels according to the word God :

" Those who seek din ( religion ) other than Islam , it will not ever be accepted ( religion ) thereof and in the Hereafter he is among those who are the losers . " ( Surah Ali Imran : 85 )

Among contohya is like most of the Sufi belief on masyayikh ( teachers ) they are free from taklif to practice law , even allowed to leave , or without feeling guilty and guilty when he fell to the unlawful acts , it is clear that such a belief is wrong a form of disbelief that we must stay away from .

10 . Turning of the Shari'a of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
The point is not to learn , nor do good to him as Allah the Exalted says :

" And who is more unjust than those who were warned by Robb verses of his , and then she turned away from him ? Surely We will give vengeance to those who commit sin . " ( Surah As- rug : 22 )

How much we get on this day Muslims are not concerned at all with religion , they underestimate religious affairs and abusing it and not concerned with the affairs of the Hereafter and it is the primary cause of the retreat of the Muslims is a time when we no longer understand the Islamic religion .

And that does not include turning of Shari'a is laziness or neglect in studying partial liability or neglect in part is forbidden , even if such a sin will get but according to what he did or who he left behind and it is thus not removing them from Islam .

Thus ten important Islamic canceling known , shunned by every individual Muslim so do not get caught by those cases that will damage and void Islam . May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala leadeth our hearts and every individual Muslim , so we do not terjibak by matters that will destroy our Islamic and cancel . Hopefully Allah Almighty leadeth our hearts and give taufiknya to take the straight path and blessed by Him . Allah knows best  (source : assunnah -

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