

How Islamic treatment of women

A story there is a conversation between Sheikh with Brit : ,
An English man visit to Saudi Arabia . He was curious about the women of Islam , then he ventured to ask a sheikh :

* The Englishman : " Why do Muslim women should not shake hands with a man ? "
* Sheikh : " Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth ? "
* The Englishman : " Oh certainly can not , only certain people who can shake hands with the Queen . "
* Shaykh smiled and replied : "You know , our lady of the Muslims is the Queen , and the Queen should not shake hands with any man who is not her mahram "
* The Englishman asked again : "So what should the Muslim women also hijab ? "
* Sheikh smiled back as he pulled out two pieces of candy : " I 've got two pieces of candy , which I have opened the wrapper and the other who was still wrapped tightly . Wish .. , candy two fell to the ground , Candy Where you gonna take?

* The Englishman replied : " Of course there is still that the wrapper . "
* Sheikh then forwards his words again : " Suppose there are again two donuts , donuts who first sold in retail stores such as street traders who no lid and two donuts that are sold in stores such as supermaket or Mal - Mal kept in a glass cabinet which is beautiful and in it was still wrapped in a box that pretty . According km , which one is more expensive between the two donuts ? "

* The Englishman : Obviously more expensive that second donut donk , sells wrote in big stores "
* Shaykh smiled and said again : " Our lady of the Muslims it is like a very beautiful diamonds that are stored either on the sea floor that is very deep and the price is very expensive . If you want to search for it had to be painstakingly and earnestly . And our lady of the Muslims also like GOLD DIAMOND very beautiful that stored very well grounded in the soil and that the price is very expensive . matter if you want to have the hassle of even lives could be at stake .

Mashallah ......
So noble a woman from an Islamic perspective .

Subhanallah ...
"The world is jewelry , & Watch the best and the most beautiful woman in the world is Sholehah "