

Procedures for moving to the religion of Islam

Get directions to convert to Islam is a great favor for each slave . Because in truth, people who converted to Islam , then he returned to his nature . A natural tendency to believe in god , nature follows the last messenger of God , and the nature of the practice of the Quran as the book of God . Moreover, Islam is the only religion that will save humanity from the punishment of hell .

ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين
Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam , it will not be accepted ( the religion ) , and in the Hereafter he is among those who are the losers . ( Surah Al 'Imran : 85 )

For this reason, God teaches that man does not feel he is credited with the entry into the religion of Islam . Instead , he should be grateful that God has given him the guidance of Islam .

يمنون عليك أن أسلموا قل لا تمنوا علي إسلامكم بل الله يمن عليكم أن هداكم للإيمان
" They feel has contributed to you ( Muhammad ) with their Islam . Say : "Do you feel has credited me with keislamanmu . Instead , it is God who bestows favors for you by giving you clues to the faith . " 
( Surat al - Hujurat : 17 )

Therefore , to be converted to Islam , its operation saa .. Ngat easy . Do not need a special occasion , and can be done without capital . The difficult part is to make sure the sincerity and honesty of heart when converting to Islam . Here are some procedures to Islam ,

First , the two sentences creed pledge

Pledge creed is say sentence ,

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
ASYHADU ALLAAA ilaha illallaah

" I testify that there is no god except Allah has the right diibadahi , and I jg testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah "

Note :

If the trouble to pronounce the two sentences fluently , can be guided by the Muslims , and converts quite follow as best he could . Furthermore, also the meaning of the sentence uttered , in order to understand what he said .

Second , this pledge must be spoken in front of witnesses of the Muslims . Number of witnesses at least two good Muslim .

The goal is to make converts this witness has been recognized converting other Muslim communities . So next , he responded as befits a Muslim .

Log in Islam should not be in front of the chaplain , Habib , religious , or other religious figures . Since it is not a condition of receipt of creed , should be said in front of religious leaders . But it should be in front of two Muslim witnesses . And witnesses , should not religious leaders .

Only by doing two things above , vowed creed and witnessed another Muslim , then the Muslim converts have been declared as valid the Islam . He gets the rights and obligations as other Muslims .

Furthermore , there are some that need to be done ,

First , large bath recommended
In Syafiiyah schools , recommended for people who have just converted to Islam for a large shower , soaking the entire body .

This suggestion is based on a history of companions Qois bin Asim radi ' anhu ,

أتيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أريد الإسلام فأمرني أن أغتسل بماء وسدر
I came to the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam to convert to Islam . Then he told me to take a bath with water and lote leaves . ( Narrated by Abu Dawud 355 - Saheeh )

Some say , it is recommended to shave the hair . However, this recommendation is based on a history that is weak .

Second , pray Work

Prayer is the second pillar of Islam after the shahadah . Therefore , after pledging converts creed , he is obliged to carry out the prayer as other Muslims .

He had to do ,

1 . If he had ways of prayer and memorized al - Fatihah and reading prayers are obligatory , then he can pray alone . And if a man, converts always invited to compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque . By staying continuously reviewing ordinances perfect prayer .

2 . If he has not understood the correct way to pray , there are 2 that he had to do :

a. Learned the correct way to pray , and memorize the readings shall be in prayer
b . As long as there can be prayer, he should bermakmum with other Muslims in prayer , so that it can maintain the validity of his prayer .

Third , Khitan

Circumcision is obligatory for men . Because circumcision part of maintaining the sanctity of human nature .

Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said :

الفطرة خمس - أو خمس من الفطرة - الختان والاستحداد وتقليم الأظفار ونتف الإبط وقص الشارب
" There were five cases Fitrah : circumcision , shaving the pubic hair , cutting the nails , plucking the armpit hairs and shave the mustache " (Muslim, 257 ) .

Moreover, circumcision is the symbols of the Muslims , which was also followed by other religious groups . Therefore , the new converts to Islam , and he has not been circumcised , it is recommended that immediate circumcision .

However, if the recommendation for circumcision could incriminate himself and could even make converts run away from Islam , it is recommended circumcision can be postponed , until it is enough for him to perform circumcision without coercion .

Fourth , other Islamic Shari'a

Furthermore , converts directed to study other Islamic Shari'a , which is obligatory for him , such as fasting procedures , answering greetings , praying for people sneeze , and if he is one who is able , taught about charity law .

The more often studied , will increasingly make the converts love islam.

Fifth , we recommend that converts immediately reported to government agencies to issue administrative Change ID. According to information from one of the Civil Registration Office :
" Change ID and local families in the District Fair ."

Then the certificate to Islam , can be issued by takmir mosque or Islamic foundation that bears witness his Islam .

NOTE ... 
For more details, you can ask about the procedures for the management of mosques to Islam or to the mosque imam. (source: