


"It was there in the Prophet 's a good example for those who hope blessing of Allah and the last day of happiness and Dhikr of Allah with as much " 
(Qur'an 33: 21 )

In order to make the Prophet as uswah hasanah - as expressed in the above verse , every Muslim should understand the right of the source. Sunnah of the Prophet is the source uswah gain. It can be discovered through some things, that : ( 1) Words ( Qawliyah ) , ( 2 ) the act ( Fi'liyah ) , ( 3 ) Acceptance ( Taqririyah ) , ( 4 ) Features ( Hammiyah ) , and ( 5 ) Avoidance ( Tarkiyah ) .

Sunnah has several names , among others : ( 1 ) the Sunnah , which means tradition , example , habit, ( 2 ) Hadith , which means word , event , new , ( 3 ) News , the news means , ( 4 ) Atsar , meaning the former .

The first source is the Sunnah of qawliyah , and that the words spoken by the Prophet's companions heard and disseminated to the community. In the books of hadith sunnahqawliyah is marked with words such as : He , yaquwlu , qawlu , sami'tu yaquwlu .

The second source is the Sunnah of fi'liyah , that the act of the Prophet who is seen by his friends and told to the Muslims from among tabi'in , then propagated to the next generation to come to the hadith of the book . Words commonly used to describe this is kaana fi'liyah Sunnah of the Prophet ( Allah is ) , Ra- aytu Prophet ( I saw them) .

The third source is the Sunnah of taqririyah , that are known to act Prophet friends and he did not forbid it , then uneventful extended to the Muslims . An example of this is the implementation sunnahtaqririyah qiyamu Ramadan prayers .

The fourth source is the Sunnah of hammiyah , that the Prophet article , but yet to be implemented. An example is sunnah to perform shaum on the 10th of Muharram .
The fifth source is the Sunnah of tarkiyah , that an act made ​​possible for the Prophet , and he needs it but he did not do it. An example is the Apostle abstain from using force in ( knack which can be learned ) in battle, or call the jinn ; He also avoids his treatments in the supernatural , and more .

Have a question that may arise in our minds , what every word, deed , agreement , plan , and it must be uswah aversion by Muslims ? Let us listen completely the following explanation :

His review of aspects Tasyri
Viewed from the aspect Tasyri , the Sunnah is divided into two categories: ( 1 ) His Tasyri and ( 2 ) Sunnah ghair Tasyri .
Sunnah of the Prophet tasyri the behaviors associated with the law ; to become the shari'a or source tree after the Qur'an. Examples Tasyri Sunnah is a deliberate behaviors Prophet in prayer , pilgrimage , and other religious duties . If the behavior is not intentional , it does not include tasyri . Example: If at any time you cough or sneeze Allah in prayer , then it does not include Sharia .
Whereas the Sunnah ghair behaviors tasyri is the Prophet who is not related to the law or sharia. Prophet's behavior belongs to ghair tasyri when meet the following categories :

1 . Behavior relates to human behavior . For example, a common food eaten Messenger is dates, bread , meat goat and camel meat . That's all it is customary Prophet related to human behavior , and therefore can not be tasyri Sunnah .

2 . Behavior occurred without any intent , such as sneezing , coughing , walking, standing , sitting not in worship.

3 . Behavior were tailored for him . Example: shaum without open , wedlock with a woman who menghibbahkan themselves without dowry , married more than four .

His review of aspects Ta'abbudi
Viewed from the aspect ta'abbudi (worship) , the Sunnah of the Prophet consists of two parts: ( 1 ) His ta'abbudi and ( 2 ) Sunnah ghair ta'abudi . His character is the behavior of the Prophet ta'abudi nature worship rituals or ceremonies . Example: Movement and reading the prayer , circumambulate movement , practice the say , the prayers dining aboard prayer , prayer in WC , prayers were husband and wife , SHORTENING prayers during musaafir .
While the behavior of the Prophet are ghair ta'abbudi example is the frequency of the Prophet and embraced his wife , scotch stomach when hungry , fighting the enemy with swords , drive a camel .

His review of aspects of the frequency
Apostle behavior is done on a routine basis and some only once , either in nature or ghair ta'abbudi ta'abbudi . Conduct routine ta'abbudi example : the obligatory prayers , prayers tahajud , shaum Ramadan , shaum Monday and thursday . While non-routine nature eg qubur pilgrimage , worship the sun .

His review of Amar and Nahy
His half-and-half , no order ( amar ) and prohibitions ( Nahy ) . Order was half-and-half , some compulsory and others are organized . Order compulsory zakat such order , the order of piety, the order of faith , etc. . Amar which are organized by the example command sacrifice , the sacrificial order , the order of charity.
Prohibition also divided the two , there is no prohibition drives show no indication that illicit and non- light . Nahy hard as the prohibition of adultery, prohibition ghibah , lerangan treacherous . Nahy light as bans on drinking and eating while standing .

His review of aspects of its details
Conduct that includes the Sunnah of the Messenger consists of a mujmal (global ) and the mufashal ( details). Example: in the dressing Apostles describes only global rules , ( 1 ) Covering private parts , ( 2 ) Beautiful, ( 3 ) contrast between women and menswear clothes , ( 4 ) No excessive . Now the problem is like what a lovely , modenya how not excessive it as such , are not described in detail .

His review of the meaning
Viewed from the aspect of meaning, there is a tradition of the Prophet that should dicontoh without interpretation , without analogies , without vote aqliyah ; there is also a need to review So the entire . Sunnah that should be emulated in harfiyah without takwil, have requirements such as: ( 1 ) Includes tasyri Sunnah , ( 2 ) Nature ta'abbudi , and ( 3 ) Explained in detail .
Example: In the prayer of worship are matters that should be followed in harfiyah example is how the Prophet to perform prayers . While fashion clothing and a place of prayer , must not dicontoh directly, but it means only.

His review of the applicability of the resolution
Sunnah is done on a regular basis with no other choice , and others who provide alternatives to choose from. Example: In dividing the heir had no choice except the male twice the daughter . This sort of thing should be done in situations however, anytime, and anywhere. Habit and custom can not influence or change it. What would happen with the practice of marriage , the Prophet did not specify the conditions of raw how the marriage process should be initiated ; can start the application from women , some candidates through application -law , there is the beginning of man , etc. .

Sometimes we find some hadith which seems to be a contradiction between one another . In point of fact when examined more deeply, which is not necessarily a contradiction seems really inconsistent . It is therefore necessary to be a number of approaches .

Compromise approach
Compromise approach ( thariqatul jam'iy ) is an approach to find a legal conclusion from two or several events that are seen as inherently contradictory, adjust way to inconsistent .
Example: In a Hadith narrated by four members of the hadith mentioned that if the water exceeds two kullah , may not be defiled . Whereas in the hadith narrated by Abu Daud, Tirmidhi , and Nasa'iy mentioned that the water could be defiled by something that can change the taste , or smell , or color. In the first hadith there are no exceptions, whereas the second hadith stating that the water changes color , odor or taste, will be unclean, if more than two kullah Or less . If compromised , it can be summed up as follows: Water in excess of two kullah not be defiled even bird droppings , but if you change the color , taste, or smell. Thus the second hadith is still going on and used as a basis .

Nasikh approach wal abrogation (which deletes and written )
This approach works very last pick of hadith hadith contents between opposite each other . To find course should learn tawarihul Mutun or hadith he narrates history .
A hadith is known nasikh and abrogation by the way ; No explanation from the Prophet directly, there is described a friend, nothing found , as history comes hadith , some say , because it is showing as nasikh previous hadith .

1 . Hadith be nasikh for clarification of the Prophet
For example, the hadith narrated by Muslim that allows Beeline grave and lets keep Qurban meat more than three days. The hadith is narrated by Muslim hadit nasikh from other non-store mentioned Qurban meat more than three days.

2 . Hadith to the contrary and there was no explanation for nasikh abrogation of the Companions
For example : There are hadith which states that unless the optional shower off semen. While there is another hadith which states that compulsory bath because Jima ', although not out of sperm. Hadith is explained by the words of a friend who mentioned that there is no obligation for the bathroom Jima ' without seed out just a rukhshah in early Islam , when the Prophet ordered the companions next to the bath .

3 . Hadith to the contrary and nasikh happened because it was found that the ultimate abrogation through history
Example: Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud mentions that membekam and dibekam shaum canceled . While in another hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of Allah used CUPPING mentioned in shaum . Having looked through the history of Hadith , it appears that the first hadith the Prophet spoken in 8 Hijri and the second hadith occurred in 10 Hijri . But that happens is the second hadith .

approach Tarjih
The approach used in this method is by choosing which hadith are stronger . Example: In a Hadith narrated that the Prophet SAW described Sufis recite prayers shubuh qunut in time until he died .
Meanwhile, the history of Abu Malik Al - Asyjaiy narrated by Ibn Majah and Nasa'i , Ahmad and validated Tirmidhi , the Prophet read qunut during the final cycles of each prayer for a month. Then take a QS . 3 : 128, following the Prophet did not read qunut at all, a good time in prayer or any other prayer shubuh .
 Upon investigation it appears in the above hadith found Sufism history carrier named Sa'id Al - Maqbari considered matrook ( left of hadith ) by Daruquthni . So tarjih approach is the basis of the hadith hadith explains that qunut shubuh was not alone, but every time when a state of emergency .
Allah knows best.

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