GUIDE TO ISLAM Qur'an Hadith

GUIDE TO ISLAM Qur'an Hadith


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At-Tauba Not Allow Beginning Basmalah. Why ?

Basmalah reading is the opening line of any deeds that we wish to do. Because Lafadz "Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim" if sung in every act, will be able to bring blessing and grace of Allah SWT. So for the servant who always practice it, would be met with a request for permission from the creator of the universe.

But on the other hand, there is also a ban on reading basmalah when starting deeds. That is when we want to read the letter at-Tawbah in Al-karim Quranul. Where basmalah actual reading was highly recommended by every Muslim when reciting verses of the holy Quran, At-Tauba Except this letter. So why this letter contained when read can not start with reading basmalah ...?

The views of the scholars' have explained about the ban. Therefore all, when all the people of At-Tawbah letter echoed in various assemblies, they do not begin with Lafadz "Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim".

If explained the meaning of reading basmalah itself, Has the meaning of love to every creature Allah wills. Whereas in the letter At-Tauba has talked about infidels and hypocrites. Which they all have been disconnected or are forbidden from reading basmalah and compassion of Allah SWT. Therefore, when a letter is echoed At-Tauba can not start with reading basmalah.

At Surat At-Tawbah also has other names including Al-Fadhihah: that means exposing evil hypocrites, Al-kasyafah: meaning as identifiable will disgrace those who turn away from the religion of Islam, As-Saif: which means sword form calls for jihad, and as a stern warning to those who are reluctant to fight for Islam.

In addition At-Tauba Also named Baro'ah letter, which means that the termination (of a peace agreement). Which at that time was in conjunction with the At-Tawbah letter lowered when the Prophet Muhammad after returning from the battle of Tabuk, which occurred in the year 9 AH.

So that from it all, the content of which is contained in the letter At-Tauba does mean that reversed when compared to reading basmalah meaning itself. Which implies basmalah content of the meaning of security, peace, and compassion. But in the At-Tawbah letter implies the meaning of criticism and objections to the hypocrites and disbelievers.

Well, that's the reason that causes why when reading the letter at-Tawbah not allowed begins with the reading basmalah. Hopefully it can therefore be useful insight for all of us. Amien ..


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