GUIDE TO ISLAM Qur'an Hadith

GUIDE TO ISLAM Qur'an Hadith


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Definition Reconverts
People who are new to Islam known as converts . This term is so popular among the people of Islam . But unfortunately pengertianya only synonymous with people who are new to Islam . That is , his conversion to Islam as an adult , after embracing others first . Society no longer even include the time factor in giving gelarmuallaf to someone , for them , anyone who has non-Islamic religion and convert to Islam then was entitled to Angela converts . This title applies immortal , there is no time limit . Though not so properly . This article aims at rectifying these misconceptions .

Not one of those newly converted to Islam or people who are new to Islam or people who used to be called muallaf.Tapi non-Muslims should not be forgotten , Islamic law does not limit reverts meaning only in that sense . There are others who are also entitled to convert to Islam . Another purpose of this paper , explain the meaning of the content of the converts were more extensive than had been assumed by some.
Therefore , every Muslim feels the need to know more about what , who and how to convert to Islam . Not just for people who are new or will convert to Islam , but also for Muslims in general because each party must know their rights and responsibilities . More than that , pengetehuan good about helping to provide solutions converts problematic kemuallafan amid people .

understanding Your first
Converts came from the word ( أليفا صيره أي ألفه . ) That makes benign [ 1 ] . While ( المؤلف قلوبهم ) means the person whose heart is tamed . This term is used for people who are being tamed by him in order to defend Islam or convert to Islam . While efforts were made ​​in order to tame someone verbalized ( تأليف القلوب ) - ta'liful qulub - or taming one's heart .
As the term Shari'a , converts are given special attention by the Islamic tujun tame his heart for the benefit of Islam and the Muslims . Attention here is usually in the form of the material . The purpose of this compensation could meteri uniform , which is summed up in four ways, as disimpulkanoleh Imam Mawardi :
Concerned in order to help the Muslims
To be concerned not impose danger to the Muslims
In order for the concerned relatives closer to Islam
To be concerned to Islam

Various converts
The scholars give a broad sense of the word because it refers to the essence reverts meaning. There are two key words to understanding ; tame the hearts of objects and the birth of a positive impact for Muslims of the object. Therefore , in the possible converts from among the non-Muslims . Here are the details :

Of the non-Islamic
Broadly speaking , non-Muslim converts from the group consisting of two categories : first , the expected birth of her kindness , for example, converted to Islam , and secondly , in fear the emergence of the ugliness of it . Here is just an example and not limitation :

Islamic people expected his or her group or family .
History records examples of this type of fitting to convert to Islam , namely Sofyan bin Umayya . He was given security guarantees by the prophet alaihi wa sallam shollaallahu the conquest of Mecca , and was given four months to consider whether to remain infidels or convert to Islam . After that he disappeared to think about the offer , and after returning , he came to the Messenger shollaallahu Alalaihi wa sallam , then join the battle of Hunain berasma Muslims that took place shortly afterwards , when he has not converted to Islam . Even the Prophet had lent his arms to the peraang moment . After the war , the Prophet shollaallahu alaihi wa sallam gave him a large amount of natural camel to further motivate him to immediately convert to Islam . Once given , he said : " This is a man who is not afraid of giving the poor " .

Said bin Musayyib meriwayat out that sofwan bin Umayya said : " By Allah alaihi wa sallam gave shollaallahu ( camel ) when he was the most I hate . He continues to give me my change , she became the person I love most " . Sofyan bin Umayya later converted to Islam , and became a good Muslim .

Anas bin Malik said , that if someone comes to the prophet shollallaahu alaihi wa sallam asked for something ( from the treasures of the world ) with the assurance he would definitely give him a convert to Islam . A katika anyone comes asking like that, shollaallahu Prophet alaihi wa sallam gave him large quantities of goat charity that meets the valley between two hills . The man then marched him home , and said the keepada her : "O my people , to Islam was the one of you all , because Muhammad gives us really like people who are not afraid of the poor " .

2 . Persons who feared to spread a bad image of Islam or do anything that harms Islam and the Muslims .
Ibn Abbas said that there was a group of people if given would praise Islam ( eg mengatakn ) : " Islam is a good religion " , but if not given he would denounce Islam . People like this need to be a treasure so he would not damage Islam . The person including kategorimuallaf than among non -Muslims. For these types , converts very broad to be meaningful , therefore in need of wise view of Muslims leaders in determining its priorities .

Of the Islamic
1 . Persons who are new to Islam .
The provision is aimed at enhancing the choice not to return to his native beliefs . People who follow Islam means he emigrated from his old religious community even from his family . Not infrequently he also threatened by his relatives and in breaking ties and fortunes . He sold his world to God , then he deserves the support and appreciation in the world in the form of a treasure of the Muslims as a new form of solidarity and brotherhood persauaraannya replace the old .
But be aware , this converts like any kind of time limit , and time limit policies submitted to the judgment of the leader of the Islamic Ummah .
2 . Descent who became a target of Muslim apostasy
That is , Muslims who because of poverty or weakness tempted sound belief that he feared to leave Islam . When such strong Islamic golden age , this problem is not too worried . But when Islam is weak as it is now , they become a serious problem . To overcome this , it is not enough with religious guidance , but it also benefits because the material temptations of apostasy generally caused material factor .

3 . Muslims respected amid the still pagan followers .
That is the Islam which has a strong influence in the midst of his people were still pagan . He was given property in order to persuade the hearts of his people so attracted to Islam . Examples in history , Abu Bakr gave Adi bin Hatim property to Zabriqon bin Badr and when they have become good Muslims , simply because both of them are still respected position in the midst of his people who are still unbelievers .
4 . Figure who converted to Islam with his followers but still unstable .

In haprapkan with given wealth will strengthen his Faith and affirmed his loyalty both engaged in jihad and in other respects . For example , there are figures given by the many treasures that the Prophet alaihi wa sallam Shollaallahu of war booty of Hunain . They are figures who freed when the later conquest of Mecca to Islam , among the They still exist that there are still hypocritical and weak faith . Having given wealth , Islam they become stronger and better .

5 . The Muslims residing in the territorial boundary of enemies ( infidels )
They are every moment in danger , therefore they are in a state of constant alert . This resulted in volatility in their beliefs and the difficulty of their lives . Provision of materials will strengthen their commitment to always be ready to be a bumper from enemy attack .

 6 . Parties that could pave the way for the withdrawal of a charity .
Ie a Muslim who becomes a key for towing zakat of a people . If he plays his role , zakat smoothly . If he is silent , Zakat jammed . In recognition of his role , he is entitled to a share of zakat . Because the role of zakat can be collected with a maximum and a large amount , then converts the allotment of post is certainly smaller than the zakat collected yangberhasil a deserving reward for his services . No one is disadvantaged in this case .

7 . Islamic Ummah victims of natural disasters
Assistance to victims of natural disasters ( in priority Of Muslims , non-Muslims because the dispute may not be of his charity fund ) can be taken from the converts , provided accompanied by a propaganda motif Islamiyah . [ source: Baitul - ]



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